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Introducing ES2015

Course Summary

Learn the basics of the ECMAScript 2015, also known as ES6, JavaScript standard. JavaScript has come a long way since it’s inception in 1995. The ECMAScript 2015 specification brought a lot of improvements, the largest set of changes the language has seen to-date. In this course, we’ll review some of the new features and demonstrate how they can be used to build better JavaScript applications.

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    Course Syllabus

    ES2015 Basics

    Because JavaScript has a hard requirement to be backwards compatible with older specifications, you can safely continue using what you already know today. However, ES2015 comes with helpful features, like variable and function scoping, which are common in other programming languages.In this stage, we’ll look at the new let and const variable declarations as well as play with string functions new to the language. 6 steps
    • Getting Started with ES2015 2:51
    • History of ES2015 Review 5 questions
    • Let and Const 7:37
    • Template Strings 4:34
    • String Search Methods 3:51
    • ES2015 Basics Review 5 questions

    The Cooler Parts of ES2015

    ES2015 brought a bunch of cool features to JavaScript. In this stage, we’ll review valuable features like Lexical scoping (which 'this' is this?), Rest Parameters, Spread Operators, Oh My! 6 steps

    Objects and New Collection Types

    In this stage, we’ll look at a new way of composing an object, and review utility objects that make working with hashed data a whole lot simpler. 6 steps


    JavaScript has always had a prototype-based inheritance system and the introduction of classes does not change that. In this stage, we’ll review how to use the new class syntax to improve the readability of our code. 6 steps

Course Fee:
USD 25

Course Type:


Course Status:



1 - 4 hours / week

This course is listed under Development & Implementations Community

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