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Marketing Automation Foundations Training Course

Course Summary

Understand the basic concepts of Marketing Automation, the principles of lead capture, lead nurture, the different types of automated campaigns, and how to improve the customer lifecycle.

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    Course Syllabus

    Course preview

    Section 01 - Introduction to Marketing Automation

    Lesson 01 - Introduction to Marketing Automation 10:31

    1.1 Introduction 00:36

    1.2 Defining Marketing Automation 00:57

    1.3 Increase Engagement 02:16

    1.4 Flatten Your Sales Funnel 01:28

    1.5 Close More Deals 03:01

    1.6 Make More Money 00:55

    1.7 Develop Best Customers 01:18




    Section 02 - Lead Capture and Nurture

    Lesson 2 - Lead Capture and Nurture 09:42

    2.1 Introduction 00:31

    2.2 Capture and Nurture 00:40

    2.3 Lead Capture Process 01:19

    2.4 Lead Nurture - Building a Relationship 02:04

    2.5 Implicit and Explicit Data 01:31

    2.6 Lead Scoring 03:37




    Section 03 - Automated Campaigns

    Lesson 3 - Triggers and Series 13:13

    3.1 Introduction 00:43

    3.2 Dynamic Segmentation 02:59

    3.3 Triggered Communications 03:09

    3.4 Additional Triggers 03:00

    3.5 Example-Automated Messaging 03:22

    Lesson 4 - Drip Campaigns 07:27

    4.1 Introduction 00:25

    4.2 Drip Campaign and Customer Journey 02:10

    4.3 Discovery and Consideration 01:55

    4.4 Drip Campaigns 02:57

    Lesson 5 - Nurture Campaigns 07:44

    5.1 Introduction 00:33

    5.2 Nurture Campaign Overview 02:59

    5.3 Dynamic Rules 02:45

    5.4 Different Sales Cycles 01:27




    Section 04 - Improving Customer Life cycle

    Lesson 6 - Measurement and Attribution 15:26

    6.1 Introduction 00:28

    6.2 Lifetime Customer Value 02:33

    6.3 Subscriber Value 01:53

    6.4 Campaign Value 02:27

    6.5 Attribution 04:56

    6.6 Conversion Value 03:09

    Lesson 7 - Customer Journey 09:34

    7.1 Introduction 00:24

    7.2 Customer Journey Overview 01:21

    7.3 Improving Customer Lifecycle 04:26

    7.4 Building Loyalty 03:23




    That was just a sneak-peak into the lesson.
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Course Fee:
USD 99

Course Type:


Course Status:



1 - 4 hours / week

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