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Digital Marketing Management: Win The Digital Marketing Game

Course Summary

Learn Step-by-Step How to Create a Winning Digital Marketing Strategy. From Social to SEO all the Secrets Revealed!

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    Course Syllabus

    • Web CopyWriting That Works!
      • Intro to Copywriting for the Web
      • Why are you writing
      • How the web affects copywriting
      • What makes good writing
      • How people read online
      • Who are you writing for
      • Getting the words right-Planning
      • Drafting your copy
      • Editing your copy
      • Readability online-Part1
      • Readability online-Part2
      • Making use of headlines
      • Other layout tips
      • Navigability
    • Mobile Marketing
      • Principles of mobile marketing
      • The mobile landscape
      • The mobile technology landscape
      • Users and mobile landscape
      • Players in the mobile landscape
      • Mobile and the consumer
      • Reason for use Mobile in Advertising
      • Regulatory bodies and codes of practice (UK)
      • Mobile display formats
      • Mobile non-display formats
      • Mobile optimisation strategies
      • Mobile targeting
      • Proximity marketing
      • Integrating mobile into marketing
      • The mobile planning process
      • Planning mobile activity
      • Mobile design and development
      • Principles of mobile marketing-Summary
    • Social Media for Business
      • Introduction to Social media-Beyond the basics
      • Social media environment-Different purposes
      • Social media environment-Overview, business adoption
      • Social media environment-Benefits for business 1
      • Social media environment-Benefits for business 2
      • Benchmark Balance sheet
      • Creating community & writing for social media
      • Engage customers-LinkedIn part 1
      • Engage customers-LinkedIn part 2
      • Engage customers-LinkedIn part 3
      • Engage customers-Facebook part 1
      • Engage customers-Facebook part 2
      • Engage customers-Twitter
      • Engage customers-YouTube
      • Engage customers-Blogs
      • Engage customers-Foursquare
      • Engage customers-Integrated case study
      • Engage customers-Writing for digital media
      • Integrate & manage: Building social media activities into the business part 1
      • Integrate & manage part 2
      • Measure & monitor-tools for social media metrics part 1
      • Measure & monitor-tools for social media metrics part 2
      • Measure & monitor-Free tools
      • Measure & monitor-Paid for tools
      • Best practice & planning for your business
      • Action plan-Social media objectives
    • Email Marketing
      • Intro to Email marketing
      • Pros and Cons
      • Planning
      • Choosing an Email Service Provider
      • The secret of success
      • Design your process
      • Building the list
      • Relevance
      • Personalisation
      • Improving open rates
      • The From field
      • Timing
      • The creative
      • The offer
      • Copywriting
      • Mobile devices
      • The landing page
      • Improving deliverability
    • Profit from Web Analytics
      • Intro to Web Analytics
      • Your analytics goal
      • Choose your software
      • The key metrics
      • Choose your KPIs
      • Create conversion funnel
      • Develop solutions
      • Social media analytics
      • Establishing ROI - part 1
      • Establishing ROI - part 2
      • Web Analytics Conclusions
    • Search Engine Optimization
      • Introduction to SEO
      • Business case_Market share_SEO vs PPC
      • SEO ranking_PPC _Smartphones and PPC
      • Types of search_Head vs Tail
      • Basics of natural search_ How SEO works
      • Jargon buster
      • Strategy-Benchmarking
      • Competitor analysis
      • Keyphrase analysis
      • Cost-benefit analysis_Planing
      • Basic algorithm-Site build and hosting
      • Relevance-URL,Page title and Meta data 1
      • Relevance-URL,Page title and Meta data 2
      • Relevance-On page content 1
      • Relevance-On page content 2
      • Relevance-Duplicate content_Images, video and audio
      • Relevance-PDFs
      • Credibility-Link building_Page rank
      • Credibility-Hub and authority pages_Link relevance
      • Credibility-Types of site_On site promotion
      • Credibility-Tools
      • Algorithm evolution-Social 1
      • Algorithm evolution-Social 2
      • Algorithm evolution-Mobile_Google local_Google shopping
      • Summary SEO
    • Pay Per Click
      • Intro to Paid search
      • Business case
      • Market share and definitions
      • PPC-high intent customers
      • Head vs Tail searches
      • How paid search works and text adverts
      • Quality Score
      • Landing page optimisation
      • Structuring Campaigns
      • Structuring Campaigns Exercise
      • Keyword Analysis
      • Keyword analysis-Exercise
      • Keyword Matching
      • Negative matching
      • Ad text
      • Keyword Insertion
      • Ad rotation Budget and Building
      • Scheduling
      • Standard and Conversion AdWords metrics
      • Web Analytics
      • Updating Status
      • Disapproved Ads_Analysing performance
      • Mobile Phones
      • Google display network_Remarketing
      • Image search Ads_AdWords editor
      • Google shopping
      • Summary PPC
    • Usability and UX
      • Introduction to Usability and UX
      • Definition and benchmarks-User
      • Definition and benchmarks-Goals
      • Definition and benchmarks-Context of use
      • How customers behave online 1
      • How customers behave online 2
      • How customers behave online 3
      • Philosophy
      • Customer research-Focus groups and interviews
      • Card sorting
      • Personas
      • Principles - Expectations and consistency
      • Feedback
      • Provide structure 1
      • Provide structure 2
      • Provide structure and Avoid clutter
      • Calls to action
      • Guiding customers-Homepage
      • On site search
      • Navigation 1
      • Navigation 2
      • Converting Customers Landing Pages
      • Forms
      • Site research-Heuristic evaluation
      • Usability testing
      • Eyetracking and Paper prototyping
      • Metrics and analytics
      • Summary Usability and UX
    • Social Media for Business Growth
      • Social media - Announcement
      • Introduction to Social media strategy - Part 1
      • Introduction to Social media strategy - Part 2
      • Key messages - Part 1
      • Key messages - Part 2
      • Key messages - Part 3
      • Agree targets objectives and strategy
      • Develop your strategy
      • Evaluate social media tools - Part 1
      • Evaluate social media tools - Part 2
      • Create a cross functional approach - Part 1
      • Create a cross functional approach - Part 2
      • Light touch editorial approach
      • The psychology of sharing
      • Internal policies and terms of use - Part 1
      • Internal policies and terms of use - Part 2
      • Internal policies and terms of use - Part 3
      • Internal policies and terms of use - Part 4
      • Implement social media monitoring - Part 1
      • Implement social media monitoring - Part 2
      • Social media person or team - Part 1
      • Social media person or team - Part 2
      • Social media person or team - Part 3
      • Social media person or team - Part 4
      • Social media person or team - Part 5
      • Conduct appropriate training
      • Define metrics and ROI - Part 1
      • Define metrics and ROI - Part 2
      • Define metrics and ROI - Part 3
      • Completing the Plan

Course Fee:
USD 299

Course Type:


Course Status:



1 - 4 hours / week

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