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Speeding up your Websites with Web Development Company India

Published on 23 August 16

With the world switching to high speed internet and latest gadgets to experience a fast and smooth internet user experience, people certainly do not want browse through something which makes their web experience a bitter one.

These days, people have become really impulsive and take decisions within a fraction of a second, therefore when they experience a bad website interface which can cause a delay of even a second, people tend to switch to other websites, which causes a huge loss to the website holder.

Therefore to avoid such situations people hire professional Web Development Company India which takes care of your website’s performance by deploying the best techniques which induces speed without compromising the data which is to be displayed upon the website mandatorily.

Following are a few measures the Web Development Company India usually takes to fix the bugs:

By learning how to fix a website you won’t be needing to compromise with the looks of your website just for the sake of speeding it up.

Size of the Website:

· You wanted a really attractive website and thus you got it constructed however, the looks made you pay thousands of bucks. But when it comes to attracting users, a good looking website is a must and this fact can never be ignored.

· But what is the use of such websites which cannot create a good user experience and make you cost more than what you had to earn. Therefore it becomes necessary for you to optimize the website’s size.

· Usually websites which are greater than 100kb are considered to be too large and thus take a lot of time in getting loaded. To tackle with this situation the best way is to compress you website to Gzip format as the maximum amount of internet traffic passes through this format.

The Picture Problem:

· Although the pictures make your website very attractive, but for your users, they would make them wait forever! Since nobody can be loyal enough to wait for a lifetime for the page to load therefore you need to optimize those images to lessen the burden on your website.

· Good Web Development Company India usually uses strong picture editing tools which lessens the size of the images and reduces the quality of the color of the images up to an acceptable rate.

· Also the comments over the pictures should also be deleted as they also take a lot of time to load adding to an overall bad experience.

Excess of Plugins:

· Plugins are surely one of the best things add to the websites, however excess of anything can be really dangerous, and the same happens with the websites and its plugins.

· You along with the Wordpress Development Company India installed those plugins with the intention of providing a better user experience to your users, however with the excess of plugins the opposite happens.

· Therefore you need to get rid of those extra plugins and widgets so as to make your website even faster.

This blog is listed under Open Source and Development & Implementations Community

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