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Top 5 AngularJS IDE & Text Editor Tools

Published on 03 January 17

YouTube for PS3,,GoodFilms, and Wondering what connects them together? They all are built using AngularJS web development framework.

AngularJS exhibits bonhomie with different IDE (Integrated Development Environments) and text editor tools to let

developers build a user-friendly and engaging website without stepping into the coding complexity. A few are listed here.

Top 5 AngularJS IDE & Text Editor Tools - Image 1
  1. WebStorm

WebStorm is a widely used IDE supp

orting every component of Angular 2 from JavaScript and Node.js to HTML, CSS and their successors. It has everything to make programming faster and error-free. It promises smart code completion, on-the-fly error detection, powerful navigation and refactoring. Coding results can be witnessed on real time on any browser.

2. Aptana

Aptana Studio 3 is also compatible with AngularJS. Developers can effortlessly play with its HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript. They are advised to install the AngularJS Eclipse extension from the Eclipse Marketplace in advance. As it runs on GitHub, collaboration is easier. Update, publishing, bug fixing, etc. becomes faster. Inclusion of terminal and IDE customization is an added advantage to companies that struggle with deadlines and have to juggle with a lot of diverse projects.

3. Sublime Text

AngularJS web development achieves a new height with Sublime Text editor. It houses a customizable editor, plugin API, Command Palette, split editing, multiple selections, Goto Anything,

Distraction Free Mode, and more features to speed up work and ensure delivery of quality products.

4. AngularJS Netbeans

The latest edition, i.e., NetBeans IDE 8.0.2, owing to its extended support for GlassFish 4.1, WildFly Server and WebLogic Server 12.1.3 and Git is gaining popularity amidst AngularJS community members. It also has a set of new enhancements that further

improve its support for Maven and Java EE with PrimeFaces. The editor is available in English, Brazilian Portuguese, Japanese, Russian, and Simplified Chinese.

5. AngularJS Visual Studio Extension

AngularJS developers can extend their know-know to Visual Studio. This would be an incredible experience for not just developers but also for end technology consumers.

This blog is listed under Open Source , Development & Implementations and Project & Service Management Community

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  1. 09 January 17

    I like to use Codelobster with special AngularJS plug-in:

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