Cloud security service is a service solution provided by the Cloud hosting service provider to its customers. This cloud security service provides cloud hosted offerings. The customers are allowed by Cloud security service to federate to their software as service applications, which are web based. This is done through their providers. This Cloud security service allows the customers to connect with their customers through a secured channel. In doing this, the customers need not open their firewall ports.
Why Cloud Security Service?
Business organizations are moving towards new dimensions of online businesses. The business houses are shifting their business web applications, their data and infrastructure to cloud. Cloud hosted offerings must be protected and secured as security is the fundamental of this service solution.
Categories of Cloud Service Security-
Cloud service security can be categorized in some major categories. They are-
1. Identity and Access Management-
It is a very vital aspect of data and business enterprise resources access. The identity and access management controls for guaranteed identities and their access to the applications, data and infrastructure, and other business enterprise resources. This Cloud Service Security first verifies the identity and then only grants access to the business enterprise resources. This is an authentication solution process, provided by cloud security.
2. Prevention of data loss-
This category of cloud security service monitors and protects stored data and the data in use. It is a very important security service offered by cloud service which protects the users against any major damage.
3. Protection of websites through web security-
This cloud security service protects the business websites of its clients by offering protection from any malware entering into the web site. This security service is offered either through installation of software or appliance installation or through the cloud, which redirects the traffic visiting the web site to the cloud hosting provider.
4. Service security of E mails-
This cloud service security controls all inbound or outgoing e mails, so the organizational e mail server and inbox can be protected against malicious attachments and phishing. This allows for encryption of those which are policy based of e mails from various e mail servers.
5. Assessment of Securities-
This cloud security service provides well defined traditional assessment of securities for applications and infrastructures, which are supported by number of standards.
6. Management against intrusion-
This is a vital cloud security service that offers protection against unauthorized intrusions. It is a pattern recognition system that reacts when it detects an unusual pattern. These unusual patterns may be to reconfiguring of system or components. This security reacts to prevent this intrusion in time to avoid any big disaster.
7. Management of events and security information-
This cloud security category protects the logs and event information accepted by systems. These logs are protected from tampering, to be kept safe for any future use.
8. Management of Encryption systems-
This cloud security service protects the algorithms which are difficult to compute or break for decryption.
9. Disaster recovery and Business Continuity management-
This is a cloud security service which is indispensable for every business organization. It protects against any discontinuation of services due to any reason, natural or technical.
10. Security of Network-
This cloud security service allocates access resource services. It also monitors, distributes and protects the resource services with related network.
Cloud Security Services are becoming more and more important as the corporate enterprises are moving to Cloud.