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iPhone 9: Everything you need to know

Published on 24 February 18

Today, technology is moving at the lightning speed and we see some huge leap forward since last 2 decades which keeps on getting faster and faster. Think of your first mobile phone and the one that you have got in your hand right now… Pretty bizarre, right?

Well, in this fast moving world, companies like Apple, Google etc. needs to hit the market by coming up with something new and no doubt; they are doing that. Hence, many iPhone app development companies are also striving hard to build mobile apps that are compatible with the iOS latest version and lower versions too.
Apple providing the luxurious phones came up with the iPhone 8 and iPhone X with the best designs and unique features ever at the end of 2017 and research says that, iPhone is planning to come up with another iPhone release called iPhone 9 at some point in 2018.
We know that Apple loves to give surprises so the company keeps the things secret but sources says that iPhone 9 may be probably out in the late September. Although it may cost high: p; the iPhone X and iPhone 8 both are highly expensive for everyone. With the growing trend of the bigger screens in the smartphones these days, Apple too is planning to introduce iPhone 9 with the larger screen - possible 6.1 inches.
The iPhone X had been an incredible success, but somehow the sales slowed down to the innovative FaceID technology. Despite of the recent release of X, 8 and 8+, still many people are looking forward for the next generation iPhones like iPhone 9. But what exactly to look in iPhone 9? Let’s take a look

  • Pricing: Sources suggest that, price will be somewhat similar to the iPhone 8 but we may find significantly upgraded specs over the current generation. Resources anticipate that, it will cost around $700 and will retain the price tag of $1000 of iPhone X. However, the other technology used in it is still unknown, but the phone will be significantly very less expensive than current iPhone X
  • Design: When it comes to the design of iPhone 9, the phone will be having metal body instead of glass one. The iPhone Xs is likely to feature stainless steel but, iPhone 9 will be back to the metal or aluminium alloy makeup in order to keep the cost down. It is likely to have some sort of glass back in order to facilitate wireless charging just as iPhone 8 and iPhone 8 plus.
  • Display: The bad news is that, the new iPhone 9 will have traditional LCD displays rather than advanced OLED screen. OLED panels usually show broader variety of colours and better contrast but they are costly and hard to make. However, source says that Apple is planning to purchase a massive amount of LCD panels from Japan display. It can be anticipated that most of the new iPhone will have LCD display and OLED panels may be applied exclusively for all the premium models.
  • Camera: Camera information is still vague but to keep the cost lower, iPhone 9 is likely to retain single camera similar to iPhone 8. It is possible that, iPhone 9 may feature sensor and optics upgrades – that device would make sure buy but still is hard to anticipate how camera would be much better considering the current scenario of the technology. However, report suggest that iPhone 9 may feature singular notch and TrueDepth camera and FaceID technology will also be seen with some advanced feature but won’t reserve for the top-tier model.
  • Power: The iPhone 9 is likely to feature A12 chipset but the power may vary depending on the RAM- 3GB. Chances are there that Apple may offer 512 GB of storage for the first time but still it is not confirmed. The company recently made announcement that they may include such large storage for premium models like iPhone Xs and iPhone 11 and iPhone 9 retaining with 64GB/256GB options that is available in the current generation iPhone.
  • Battery: Resources anticipates that, iPhone 9 battery will have the capacity of 2850-2950 range and can be of the L shaped. The iPhone Xs and 6.5 inch model however may be slightly higher 3300-3400 mAH battery. There were rumours going on that Apple might introduce charging from distance feature in the next release which may be seen that in iPhone 9. As phone uses become increasingly concerned about charging the phone very often, you can bet battery life will get some long overdue attention.

Cut to the chase….

  • What is it? One of the upcoming Apple’s phone
  • When it is out? Probably in last week of September
  • What will it cost? Less than iPhone X
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