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How Can Employees Help When Cloud Security Is A Shared Responsibility?

Published on 18 April 18
How Can Employees Help When Cloud Security Is A Shared Responsibility? - Image 1

A firm must implement the appropriate Cloud Security solutions, have up-to-date software, and monitor breaches by properly training the employees to keep the data secure.

Cloud Security
In the matter of cloud security, any corporate firm has several weak links and the most common amongst these is often the carelessness of a careless insider or employee.
Some Of The Password Practices That Are Highly Vulnerable To Attacks
  • Passwords That Are Weak: Passwords that are weak, even though they might be very easy to remember, would be still very easy to crack by the attackers. So, one needs to be very cautious while keeping the passwords. New guidelines for passwords have come up that propagate the extensive use of pass-phrases. Passphrases are much longer than usual passwords, but they are easily memorable at the same time. They become much securer even without adding any special characters. Passphrases do not necessarily make any sense as any complete sentences, but they are good as they would be unknown to hackers and would make sense only to the users.
  • Reusing of Same Passwords: Most employees tend to reuse same passwords for all apps especially in firms that do not use SSO or single sign-on. This is a serious issue when any hacker gets access to those passwords. Again, multiple easily memorable passphrases are recommended and must be handled effectively.
  • Sharing of Passwords: It might seem very harmless to share passwords within the firm with friends and colleagues for them to handle accounts while in the absence of the one owing to the accounts, but this can also pose serious cloud security risks. Passwords could be easily stolen this way or hacked.
Some Common Types Of Cyber Attacks
It is required from an employee to be vigilant and aware amidst the tough working conditions. This awareness and sturdiness is the first step towards preventing a possible data breach that can be become big in quantum. Phishing is the common most in terms of cyber-attacks against the cloud security of an enterprise. In the process of Phishing, a hacker deceives or entices a recipient to reveal certain confidential information that can bring his account in a compromising position. Hacker can adopt many ways to manipulate a recipient under the pretext of a necessary process that can get him an access to a certain system. A hacker can force a recipient to perform certain tasks where the security of the personal data may come in a vulnerable zone. The training program can be implemented for the employees where they can be introduced to certain procedures. They should be introduced to the process of the identification of suspicious e-mails, names, doubtful links, and emails. Forced typographical errors can be one such trap. Here a Phishing attacker deliberately commits a typographical error in a familiar name or phrase. For instance, an employee can direct sensitive information to the wrong channel under the pretext of an urgent message, where he fails to decipher the fact that the address is wrongly spelled. It can be considered as a sophisticated attack; however, there can be even more sophisticated attacks that will be difficult to detect. Employees should be trained to stay alert and smell these sophisticated attacks easily. The IT department of an organization should be vigilant enough to notice unsecured wireless connections that are making an entry in the cloud; they should keep an eye on the downloading of various software and other materials, and sometimes malware can make an entry through this route and destroy the cloud security net of the system. A check should be maintained on a regular basis in order to create a security against these attacks. They should come up with cloud security means to entertain only authorized applications and devises in the system. Regular cloud security scans work up towards an effective exercise to keep the impact of regular phishing attacks at bay. This culture should be promoted in an organization where probable attacks and suspicious movements are reported. Prevention is better than cure and an alarm is always better than an enterprise security breach.
Cloud Security Is Very Much A Shared Responsibility
The onus of cloud security exercise also exists with the employees of an organization to do their bit towards securing critical organizational data. Employees can certainly become that strongest link for the data defense against any cyber attacks or breach threats only when they completely understand and put 100% efforts to ascertain cloud security in any firm.
This blog is listed under Cloud Computing and IT Security & Architecture Community

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