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6 Dangerous Website Security Mistakes You Should Avoid

Published on 22 November 19

Cyberattack and data breach has become common news nowadays which means that your website is more vulnerable than ever and you need to implement every possible measure to secure your site hence we have listed here a few dangerous website security mistakes which you should avoid;

  1. Not Regularly Scanning Website:

Scanning website regularly is one thing you just cannot skip as you need to keep a check on the vulnerabilities of the site and fix them timely. Many organizations do not prioritize this task and fail to scan the site daily resulting in a security breach. Hence protect your data privacy by scanning the site daily to avoid any data leak.

  1. Self-Written Security Codes and Algorithms:

Many developers assume that self-written security codes are much better and safer but in reality, hackers are smart and can easily break through such homegrown security measures hence it is always advisable to implement a well-tested algorithm as a security measure because they go through vigorous testing and get constantly updated making the codes more secure which is the reason why thousands and millions of users use them.

  1. Weak Passwords and Authentication Procedures:

Entering your website admin page or to the directories in hosting needs you to go through an authentication procedure. Weak root passwords will make it easy for breachers to enter into your database. You need to create strong passwords that cannot be hacked and also enable a two-step authentication procedure for an added layer of safety. Also make sure not to add too many users on the website, only add the ones which are really needed and set the right permission to prevent misuse. Remove the users when not needed and make sure to educate all users regarding frequent password changes.

  1. Website Not Tested on a Regular Basis:

Website scanning is just not enough to protect sensitive data. You need to test every part of the site including the software used and update every aspect of the site to make sure that there is no data breach. Instead of doing it on your own, getting it done by experts like Siteimprove Data privacy solution will make sure that your site data is always secure.

  1. Not Encrypting Sensitive Data:

One grave mistake any organization can make is by not encrypting sensitive data such as personal details like banking details, passwords and credit cards. Not encrypting would mean running the risk of exposing the data hence make sure to use proper encryption.

  1. Outdated Software:

When you use a software or a plugin on the website, make sure to update it as well because updates contain security patches which if ignored may cause a data breach. Software or plugins which do not release regular updates should be discarded as they can cause potential risk to your website.


The worst mistake of all would be to have a lax attitude towards website security as it is a common notion that cyberattack would not happen to your website but data breach has become so common that you never know when your website gets attacked hence be well prepared for to fight against it, create enough backups and make sure to lock your site from hackers and attackers.

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