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How to Find the Best Computer Deals Online

Published on 02 December 13
How to Find the Best Computer Deals Online - Image 1
The last time you bought a computer, did you shop around? If you are like most people you started by visiting some stores to test floor models and see which products you were interested in the most. In fact, visiting the store and evaluating the product is something that most consumers do before they purchase the product online. It might be a little bit frustrating for the electronics retailer but for the average consumer it makes perfect sense.

If you are looking to purchase a new computer and willing to invest the time, you can actually find many deals online for virtually any brand or model that you can think of. While point of sale advertising (in-store) is good, the majority of shoppers are now mobile users who count on their smart phones to organize and help them find the best computer deals & offers online. There are a few ways to make sure that you are getting the best possible deal, it just takes a little legwork.

In Store Check In

Surf the local big box stores to find out what they are charging for some of the models you are interested in. Build a list of models and manufacturers that you would like to explore as well as the requirements you need in terms of hardware. Remember that all computers are not created equal and sometimes what can seem like a great computer on the outside can be poorly equipped for your functional needs. Make a list of your minimum requirements such as RAM, processor speed, menu and cooling capability to name a few.

When you are visiting the store, take advantage of the knowledgeable sales staff to give you a demo of the models you are most interested in. If you aren’t sure about the hardware requirements you will need for gaming or basic desktop publishing (as well as the factory loaded software) take advantage of the expertise of the staff to narrow down your choices to one or two models that suit you best.

Take the laptop, desktop or tablet for a test drive in the electronics department and don’t be afraid to ask a lot of questions and request literature or take notes. Since the average person uses a computer for up to five years, you should take your time to assess different styles and manufacturers until you find your perfect fit. After all you will be using it for a long time, and it should feel like something you enjoy using. Buying a personal computer or mobile device is like buying one of the most important accessories you will use daily, so much like buying other important high use products, it is a good idea to take your time and research to ensure that you are getting what you really want.

The Major Retailers

Depending on the time of year, your best deal might be through the website of a major electronics dealer. During the holidays and just following them, retailers significantly discount the latest models of computers and electronics to manage inventory after the holiday gift rush. Since electronics become redundant and outdated so quickly, few retailers are willing to hold on to them for long and it can present a great opportunity to get your computer at a discount.

If you are looking to buy in the peak season where discounts are not readily available, consider your local major retailer to still be useful however. Visit their website and make a list of the models and compare the specifications. The descriptions online of computers and tablets will be helpful and some websites even offer a comparison of models, so that you can compare price, software and included hardware. Amazon is another website that allows you to comparison shop quickly to get an idea of a fair price, particularly with technology as their prices tend to be competitive. Whether you buy from the major retailer or not, window shopping online can help you hone your purchase decision.

Auction Websites

While you may not want to purchase your computer from one of the popular auction websites such as Qbids or eBay, they can be a resource to help you browse existing models to see what is popular as well as the MSRP for most models. Auction websites give you the opportunity to bid for technology such as laptops and tablets and new models, and sometimes (depending on your patience and skill at bidding) you can get a good discount on electronics.

It’s important to remember that if you are purchasing from a private owner, the warranty of your computer may be compromised as it is a resell. Be sure to ask questions and read the fine print before you buy. It’s not a good deal if it is a flawed product with no warranty when you receive it.

Coupon Websites

Feel like clipping a coupon to buy a computer? It is not as strange as that sounds. In fact, while coupons for electronics rarely appear in magazines or newspapers anymore, the bonus offers and incentives are rampant as manufacturers create incentives for consumers to consider updating their computers. While most buyers are used to fishing for coupons for grocery items, they are pleasantly surprised to find out that these discount opportunities also exist for making the purchase of a laptop, tablet or other mobility device more affordable.

Coupons have moved to the digital domain with many coupon sites offering an organized selection of manufacturer discounts. Some coupon websites encourage you to download and print the coupon to take to the retail point-of-purchase. Other coupons can be used directly from your mobile phone and feature QR codes and other conveniences that can be used at the check-out and scanned by the cashier.

There are a lot of coupon deals and offers that make buying a computer more affordable. Since almost every household has at least one computer, a choice to upgrade your current desktop or laptop computer is a great opportunity to explore new security features such as fingerprint or face recognition log in, mobile hot spot connections with your smart phone and other conveniences. The deals are out there, if you take the time to find them. Happy shopping.
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