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Mobile Marketing and Effective Targeting Trends to Dominate 2015

Published on 17 December 14
Mobile Marketing and Effective Targeting Trends to Dominate 2015  - Image 1
While mobile is continuing to be the most forceful arena for marketing maneuvers and the growth of mobile marketing is already being a matter of constant speculation there are trends that already seem to be dominating enough and hopefully will continue to be so in the coming year. Mobile marketing has not come a long way but it has grown enough to encompass all business endeavors. Targeting audience effectively is another major priority across business enterprises. Here we will explain the key mobile marketing and effective targeting trends to dominate 2015.

Concerted digital experience

While knowing your users is extremely crucial to the success of your marketing maneuvers and effective targeting you can only do it by providing a concerted or integrated digital experience. Getting full profile information of your target user and knowing where and how they access information and make use of them is crucial to the success of your digital marketing. Closely watching on the analytics result as to understand where and how your audience is being directed can play crucial role in knowing the audience.

Targeting at micro level

While knowing user preference from the online time spent by them is important getting into details of user preference is the second most important step for your digital marketing maneuvers. You can address their preferences, likings and dislikes in a detailed fashion and keep them more engaged by addressing these in a detailed fashion. This getting into the details of user preference and likes and dislikes and targeting them accordingly with your digital marketing strategy is what is called as micro level targeting. As customized and user specific approach is replacing homogeneous marketing strategy for all and sundry, micro level targeting of audience would gain more momentum in the time to come. Making your website available at any point of time across all types of devices and screen sizes is also going to be crucial for your marketing maneuvers to take effect.

Being responsive to every category

Those times are already gone when one marketing strategy for all users could work fine yielding great results. Now your marketing focus should take different categories into consideration and address each one of them separately. Being responsive is not enough but being responsive in respect to particular user concern in each category is important for your mobile digital marketing to become successful. Here are some key user categories to consider.
  • Immune to marketing: There are people who even use smartphone for very basic purpose of calling or text messaging or capturing images occasionally. Naturally they remain mostly as immune to marketing maneuvers.
  • Ineffective lot: There are mobile users who are receptive to marketing or ads but actually do not impact business outcome or sales.
  • Control crazy: There are users who want to have absolute control over the digital ads, marketing elements or anything that keep coming as mobile traffic.
  • Positively receptive: Users who stay connected with digital marketing traffic and have a receptive attitude towards them belong to this category.
All these details about user behavior patterns and user categories will further help you to device digital marketing strategy that can penetrate deeper and ensure better business outcome.
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